Package me.c7dev.dexterity.util
package me.c7dev.dexterity.util
ClassDescriptionUsed to calculate the new yaw, pitch, and roll of a DexBlock in a rotationFixed length BitSet for Huffman Tree (schematics)Provides a wrapper for a
entity that holds data about itsDexTransformation
, roll offset, and moreProvides a factory for theTransformation
classDefines commonly used static methods used globally in the plugin or APIStores information about a configured command that is to run when a player clicks a displayHashable object to represent a unique yaw, pitch, and rotation transformation's quaternion in a mapHolds the data queued for a pending rotation inDexRotation
Used to calculate the roll degrees, roll offset vector, or transformation quaternion for a DexBlockSimple class to store all the possible amounts in degrees for each axis to run in a single rotation